Why macarons and mews are perfect partners

We’ve mentioned London walking tours before in these posts, but perhaps the most unusual (and mews-friendly) tour we have discovered so far is the “Mews and Macarons” tour offered by London Unravelled

Tour guide Yannick Pucci knows the delightful hidden mews streets of Kensington and Belgravia like the back of his hand. He also knows where to find some of the best confectionary shops in London. The result is a guided tour around several pretty-as-a-picture streets (note the houses are often painted in the same pastel shades as the macarons) where you can indulge in sweet treats and learn about the traditions and history of London mews properties. If you have already taken the tour, you’ll know just how irresistible the combination of mews and macarons can be. If you haven’t tried either, then we recommend booking up with Yannick right away.Alternatively call us at Lurot Brand to view some picturesque, traditional mews houses in exclusive London areas such as Kensington and Belgravia. We won’t offer you macarons, but we will tempt you with outstanding mews properties for sale or rent.

Alongside visiting the best purveyors of macarons and having tastings (included in the tour price), we will be exploring the hidden mews and secret passages of Belgravia and Knightsbridge.

Website URL: https://londonunravelled.com/macarons-mews/

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