The London Olympics Aftermath

The Olympics have now come and gone – what a great success! Whilst I am sure many of us had our doubts, I think we can all agree that Londoners have something to be proud of, and yet further reason for London to be celebrated and recognised.


As far as the property market is concerned, the last few weeks have been very quiet, nothing that wasn’t expected. Anyone saying otherwise has either been very lucky or living on another planet. The continuing lack of available property hasn’t helped the equation.

September and the London Olympics aftermath, we hope, should bring a change to this situation, with many potential vendors having purposely forgotten about the summer period. Let’s hope for all our sakes that we are ‘back to normal’ as quickly as possible.

Our advice to buyers is – update your agent with your requirements (even if you are repeating yourself), just to ensure they know exactly where you are looking, what you are looking for, and how much you wish to spend. It’s worth acting as if your search is starting from scratch, and be prepared to drop everything as soon as an available property is suggested.

Happy hunting!

Written Raph Arwas | Sales Negotiator

Featured Image Attribution: Flickr user tnimalan

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